The Ultimate Guide for Homeward Bound Travelers

Native Foreigner has an ebook called “The Ultimate Guide for Homeward Bound Travelers“.

Native Foreigner says, “This comprehensive booklet includes information on steps you should take immediately upon your return home as well as provides advice for ways you can go abroad in the future.”

We also advise our volunteers on returning home from volunteering abroad, but The Ultimate Guide for Homeward Bound Travelers is more thorough.

This ebook includes the following:

  • Advice from Clinical Psychologist Dr. Stephanie Law on how to cope with reverse culture shock
  • Tips and Tidbits from other travelers on making the adjustment easier
  • Career advice from a Fortune 500 Human Resources Executive Vice President, Tom Traub, on how to promote international experiences during the job hunt
  • In-depth advice on future international opportunities, including teaching and volunteering abroad
  • Links to helpful articles and websites

Ultimate Guide for Homeward Bound Travelers