Insurance for Thailand

We strongly recommend that you have a travel insurance policy in place for your trip to Thailand (We do not provide insurance). We recommend having at least $50,000 of coverage for medical costs and travel costs such as lost luggage and flight changes.

First check with your existing insurance coverage back home to see if they will provide travel insurance abroad. If they do not, you should obtain a separate travel insurance policy that is in effect during your trip. There are dozens of reputable companies offering these policies including HCC, Travel Guard, and STA Travel. (Our staff has used HCC for years — we get no commissions). Most policies have online fulfillment so you can sign up for a policy right up until your departure flight from home.

Thai medical facilities require patients to pay for treatment up-front and in cash. Then patients collect all of the medical paperwork and submit a claim to their insurance company for reimbursement. Keep copies of all paperwork like medical charts, prescriptions, boarding passes, and currency exchange receipts.